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Terms of Use of Intellectual Property


Our terms of use policy is very straight forward.  We do not charge for use of our intellectual property.  We do require that we be informed when it is used and that proper attribution be made using the language below. 

This language should be included with any video, website, curriculum, document, photo and any other resource that uses the intellectual property of TLCPCP.  We also require that users share back learning from their experience using our intellectual property, which is why the inclusion of our website is so important.

We also require that our training curricula only be used by and distributed to certified trainers.  please see our network if you are interested in training.  TLCPCP does not provide training directly and does not benefit financially from the work of trainers in our network. 


The <name of resource> includes person centered concepts, principles and materials used with permission from The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Find out more at


We reserve the right to deny use if our intellectual property is not used in accordance with the principles of person centered thinking and planning.

For questions regarding Terms of Use of TLCPCP materials, please CLICK HERE to contact us directly.

Our website linking policy can be found HERE.

Thank you for your interest and your work in helping people in getting the lives they want.






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©The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices
Website by Stonebridge Design